

Can I Replace Silver Fillings with Tooth-Colored Ones?
added on: April 15, 2024

For years, silver amalgam fillings have been the go-to solution for treating cavities. However, with advancements in dental technology and increasing concerns about the visibility of silver fillings, many patients are now considering alternatives such as tooth-colored fillings. But are they a suitable replacement?  Understanding Tooth-Colored Fillings Tooth-colored fillings, also… Read More…

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What’s it Mean When Your Dental Benefits Expire?
added on: October 22, 2021
John Highsmith, DDS

Dental insurance can be an amazing tool, but that doesn’t mean you should wait until the last minute to use it. If you don’t get in to see your dentist in Clyde before your benefits expire, you could miss out on potentially life-changing treatment. While each policy will be different, it’s… Read More…

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Does Sugar Cause Cavities?
added on: April 21, 2020
John Highsmith, DDS

Our parents always told us to avoid eating too much candy and drinking too much sugar. Not only is it not part of a healthy diet, but we’ve always been told that too much sugar can lead to cavities. But is this true, or is it an old wives’ tale?… Read More…

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