
Cosmetic Dentistry

Why Are My Teeth See-Through?
added on: July 19, 2024

Noticing that your teeth are starting to look a little see-through can certainly be concerning, not only because of their appearance but also their health. In fact, transparent teeth can be a sign of dental problems that need attention. But what causes teeth to become transparent in the first place,… Read More…

How To Reduce Tooth Sensitivity During Whitening Treatment
added on: June 15, 2024

Tooth whitening is an effective way to enhance and brighten your smile, but it often comes with the side effect of increased tooth sensitivity. This condition is temporary but can affect how your teeth react to different temperatures. For those looking to pursue tooth whitening in Clyde while minimizing discomfort,… Read More…

How Dental Veneers Can Make Your Teeth Look Better
added on: January 15, 2024

As we ring in the New Year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating ways to enhance our lives in the coming year. One common resolution that often tops the list is the desire for self-improvement, and what better way to start fresh than by transforming… Read More…

What Are Some Side Effects Of Dental Procedures?
added on: August 14, 2023
John Highsmith, DDS

While dental treatments are often essential for maintaining oral health or achieving a dazzling smile, it’s important to be aware of the possible side effects associated with them. From teeth whitening to dental fillings and root canals, each procedure can come along with its own side effects. So before undergoing… Read More…

How To Handle Dental Emergencies
added on: July 29, 2023
dental emergency

Dental emergencies can occur unexpectedly, causing pain, discomfort, and anxiety. Knowing how to handle these situations promptly and effectively is crucial to minimize pain, prevent further damage, and ensure timely care. In this comprehensive guide, your dentist in Clyde explores common dental emergencies and provides step-by-step instructions on how to… Read More…

Does Green Beer Turn Your Mouth Green?
added on: March 13, 2023
John Highsmith, DDS

The luckiest day of the year, St. Patrick’s Day, is almost here, which means we’re about to see a lot of green everywhere, including in your favorite adult beverages. In particular, it’s become a tradition to dye beer green, which is not only festive and fun but can also cause… Read More…

How Long Does It Take To Get a Whiter Smile?
added on: February 14, 2023
John Highsmith, DDS

There’s nothing quite like having a bright, white smile. But many things in our lives can cause teeth to appear discolored or yellow. Thankfully, there are many different ways to whiten teeth. However, if you’re wondering just how long it will take to get whiter teeth, there is no one… Read More…

What Happens If You Have Extra Teeth? 
added on: August 18, 2022
John Highsmith, DDS

Hyperdontia, a rare yet completely possible condition, causes people to have more teeth than usual. Typically, kids will have 20 baby teeth, and 32 more will erupt as they get older. But those with hyperdontia grow what are called supernumerary teeth, which are extra teeth that usually grow behind the… Read More…

4 Things You Can Do If You’re Feeling Self-Conscious About Your Smile
added on: April 19, 2021
John Highsmith, DDS

Whether you have an important event coming up or you’re just tired of seeing your tired smile every day on work video calls, there’s a cosmetic dentistry solution for you. Thanks to advancements in technology, cosmetic dentistry is more affordable than ever before and is no longer only for celebrities…. Read More…

Improve Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry
added on: January 22, 2021
John Highsmith, DDS

There are plenty of reasons why someone may not love the way their smile looks. Maybe their teeth aren’t white enough or perhaps they’re crooked or worn down. Whatever the reason, there’s a cosmetic dentistry solution from your dentist in Clyde that can transform your smile into one you’re proud… Read More…